Direct English

What learning method people are looking for nowadays to learn the English language



Direct English – What learning method people are looking for nowadays to learn the English language


There are several popular methods that people are currently using to learn the English language:

Online courses: Online English language courses are becoming increasingly popular as they offer flexibility in terms of scheduling and location. Many online platforms offer interactive lessons, quizzes, and exercises, as well as the option to connect with native English speakers.

Mobile apps: Mobile apps are also becoming a popular way to learn English. They allow learners to practice and learn the language on-the-go, anytime and anywhere.

Language exchange programs: Many learners are finding success in language exchange programs, where they can practice speaking with native English speakers over video or audio calls.

Immersion programs: Some people prefer to learn English in an immersive environment, such as studying abroad or participating in a language immersion program.

Tutoring: One-on-one tutoring with a qualified teacher is a popular method, especially for learners who want to focus on specific areas of language improvement.

Self-study: Some learners prefer to study on their own using resources such as textbooks, workbooks, and audio programs.

Overall, people are looking for methods that are convenient, interactive, personalized, and offer the opportunity for real-life practice and interaction with native speakers.


João Dias

CEO & Founder of Joviform